Felt like your 2017 digital marketing strategy hit a plateau? There’s no more ideal time than the New Year to establish your own mountains of innovation. Here are three straight-forward steps to push your 2018 video strategy to the top.

A Cut Above the Rest

A social media excerpt of previous videos is a budget conscious, quick refresher of already remarkable content. Six second bumper ads have seen a dramatic rise in digital marketing arsenals. With a 9 of 10 success rate in boosting ad recall, they can “extend the reach of an existing campaign and complement broader messaging.” You would be wise to re-load evergreen content using this quick grab medium.

Take Neutrogena for instance. They paired their current full size digital efforts with this bite sized clip below for optimal recall impact.

Switch It Up

Using atypical video methods like 360° and motion graphics videos provides opportunities to present new products or services in an exciting light. Whether you are opening a new restaurant or revealing a new facility, clients will develop an immediate connection with your brand when you open the doors and allow them to explore from the comfort of their home or office. The fascinating elements of interaction and graphic effects go so far beyond traditional video offerings, that even the least tech-enthused individual will become absorbed. Etch your brand’s strong points in clients’ mind and increase recognition through the number of likes and shares these methods are guaranteed to warrant.

Our Rustic 360° Shoot exemplifies why these other-world adventures are irresistible to watch.

Quality over Quantity

Keeping a professional video production team in your corner is the best move in maintaining high standards for your video strategy. Ensure you have video experts to support you in every phase of your brand’s funnel, from attraction to conversion. This keeps the video ideas fresh and relevant to your unique characteristics. Most importantly, the advanced technological options available on the professional side, from aerial drones to 8K, will guarantee your videos are always ranked amongst the best.

Just ask our multi-million-dollar client, rewardStyle®, who recently enjoyed higher social engagement with their aerial-infused 2017 Conference highlights video.

The New Year doesn’t have to be stressful when you have a guide to give your marketing agenda an advantageous head start. If you are searching for an award-winning, innovative video production team to whip your digital strategy into shape, contact us today.

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