Testimonial video has cemented itself as a keystone in any trusted business. With thousands of options for consumers and businesses, establishing credibility is a lifeline that will keep your company afloat. Recent research shows customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rate on customer purchase decisions at 89%. Whatever form it comes in, a testimonial is necessary for today’s competitive market.

What better way is there to believe that clients approve of your product or service than to see it with your own eyes? Testimonials are best implemented through video, the most innovative communications medium. As a company, DHD Films implemented a series of testimonial videos. The best part about testimonial in the form of video is the flexibility. The videos are easily deployed on social media, websites and in sales campaigns. Keeping these videos in our back pocket enables us to prove our trustworthiness to clients whenever necessary.

Whether NPS, Google reviews or even an entry on Yelp, testimonial is an important facet of any business. It can be used in collateral, sales campaigns and any kind of communications with potential clients. Ultimately, collecting and displaying testimonial proves your company to be well-rounded and well-trusted. There is no industry where trust is more important than the medical industry. Medical procedures and surgeries require a patient to put their life in the hands of a doctor. This is the main reason that testimonial in the medical industry is a rising trend. Ideal Implant is a gold standard of medical testimonial.

The need for testimonials cannot be ignored. It boasts your capabilities while soothing any doubts that clients may have. Adding video to the testimonial mix adds another layer of credibility. If a testimonial project interests you, please contact us here.

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