Agile Branding is a key component of a successful business strategy. Treated as a living entity, agile branding is an iterative process that allows brand strategists to rapidly respond to changes in industry and consumer behavior, keeping organizations closely aligned to their customers.
The Agile Triumvirate: Strategy, Messaging, and Design
Agile Branding calls for concurrent action across strategy, messaging, and design to simultaneously improve all three. This makes it easier to maintain a cohesive brand that represents your organization and is clear to consumers.
Strategy is the foundation for brand decisions. Adopting an Agile Strategy allows your team to respond quickly to feedback and keep the momentum going. Clearly communicating your strategy across the organization keeps everyone on track.
Often considered the most difficult of the three, Agile Messaging requires copy that is clear, concise and unique to your brand. By standardizing all messaging, consumers receive the consistency they expect.
Lastly, Agile Design applies to the visual representation of your brand. Ranging from sales collateral to website aesthetic, Agile Design is always user-centered, not brand-centered.

Employing agile across strategy, messaging and design enables you to keep pace with changing customer preferences, industry trends and emerging technologies. In addition, it allows your brand to evolve by continuously deploying and correcting small failures, so projects don’t lose their momentum.
Group Virtual Reality Gets Agile Implementation
DHD Films sought to leverage decades-old Virtual Reality (VR) technology to propel the next wave of immersive experiences. To do this, we introduced DHD Group VR in January 2019.
Through visuals, messaging and a showcase event, DHD infiltrated the market. Using an agile methodology, we made corrections to strategy, messaging and design in real-time and re-deployed throughout the process. We believe an agile process helps maintain a sense of urgency that drives projects to finish on time and on budget.
Agility on Your Terms
Use Agile Branding to make 2020 your organization’s most consumer-centered year yet. For help promoting your brand, contact DHD to produce cutting-edge visuals.