Bodhala is injecting a new perspective into the legal marketplace by enabling sophisticated financial data analysis and management through cutting-edge technology. Having just received a $10M growth investment from Edison Partners, their AI-driven platform is set to make a big splash in the legal industry. We sat down with Kyle Johnson, Head of Marketing at Bodhala, to talk about how video has helped them build market awareness and strengthen their brand.

DHD FILMS: Bodhala commissioned DHD Films to produce a series of videos to support your marketing efforts. What drew you to video as opposed to say, writing a white paper or blog, to inform your audience about your product and get Bodhala’s name out there?

BODHALA: We have a fairly complex product and, not to sound cliche, but in a lot of ways it’s really transforming an industry that has traditionally been slow to adopt new technology. As such, there are a lot of concepts that are new to our target audience. While we are certainly investing in blogs, our website, white papers, and other content formats, there’s a certain ease in which video conveys messages, and especially complex messages, in the simplest of forms to understand and capture our audience’s attention, which is really valuable.

DHD FILMS: In addition to communicating relatively complex information in an easily understandable way, what other objectives were you trying to achieve with these videos?

BODHALA: In the world we’re in today, where there is such limited face to face interaction, I think it’s really easy for a company to fall into habits of just having a digital presence of words displayed on a screen. Our videos specifically feature the people from our team being interviewed. That really gives that sense of personal connection to the brand that is really difficult, if not impossible, to get across on other channels. This would have been peak conference season for us. It was during those conferences that our team members have historically had the opportunity to meet face-to-face and build that rapport with our target audience. With the industry conferences coming to a complete halt, there is a lot of opportunity for us to look at other channels to try and build that personal connection. Video plays a critical role in that.

DHD FILMS: Did you find any added benefits from going through the video production process?

BODHALA: Absolutely. With the in-person videos, we recorded roughly 10 hours across a number of different interviews. What we found after going through and reviewing those sessions and hearing people across the business talk about the same sort of problems that we’re solving, was that they were describing the same attributes in the business but using different terminology and phrasing – at times, even thinking about them – in different ways. An unforeseen benefit of the production process was being able to really use that as an audit process to get a sense of: What are people thinking about the business? What’s our elevator pitch? How can we tighten that up to have a stronger, more cohesive brand voice?

DHD FILMS: As you think about the next Bodhala video project, is there anything you would do differently?

BODHALA: The things that we would like to do again are what we’ve done so far. We’re really happy with and are finding value in, the end result of what we’ve gotten with the videos, so we definitely want to double down on that. It was a lot of fun and a learning process for us internally as a team and certainly for me as an individual. DHD was awesome at helping to shepherd us through the process while being very patient and just great partners. I feel like there’s a true partnership and that you’re there for us, which I think is not always the case with vendors.

Nothing is more rewarding for us than helping a client achieve their goals. If you’re looking to make a splash with your brand, we want to help. Contact us and let us help you take your communications to the next level.
