As proud long-time residents of this awesome city we jump at any opportunity to promote Dallas and all the great experiences and attractions it has to offer. So, when VisitDallas approached us about doing a series of videos highlighting 11 different Dallas neighborhoods, we were immediately on board. Over the past year 26.7 million people have visited Dallas which has resulted in a 7.8 billion economic impact on the region, and while these are great numbers, VisitDallas is always looking to up the ante. Their goal for the videos was simple: show prospective visitors and longtime residents alike, all the amazing experiences and attractions they might be missing out on and motivate them to come visit these thriving and diverse neighborhoods for themselves.

When it came time to devise an approach we decided that every episode would cover three distinct locations in each neighborhood and would fall under the categories of food, culture and entertainment. The client also mentioned that they wanted the videos to be episodic in nature and all be released at the same time, so viewers could binge watch to their heart’s content. As avid binge watchers ourselves, we knew each episode had to create and sustain a momentum that was exciting and engage the viewer so that they would immediately want to watch the next one. We also knew that a big part of engaging the audience and creating a connection with them would be finding the right hosts.

When it came time for casting we knew that our hosts had to be relatable while possessing a true affection for Dallas that would translate on screen. After an exhaustive search we narrowed it down to six amazing candidates. After trying to narrow the list down to two final choices and not being able to because they were all so great, we came up with an alternate solution: Cast them all!

Although we hadn’t planned on it, this decision ended up really working in our favor. Having six hosts instead of 2 really expanded our ability to connect with different members of the audience and exemplified the diversity that is such a great part of living in this city.

All in all, we ended up with a series of videos that we are extremely proud of and that the client is genuinely excited to share. Speaking of which, all the episodes will be up on soon so get ready to binge! In the meantime, take a look at the trailer below.

