Key Takeaways from a Week Well Spent at SAP Sapphire Conference

Orlando, Florida – land of the magical kingdom, fresh squeezed OJ, and the site of this year’s SAP Sapphire Conference: a convening of all things related to the cloud and business technologies. DHD was fortunate enough to witness first-hand the technological magic and cutting-edge solutions on display at the Orange County Convention Center. To get a sense of what all the ado is about, check out our recap video below.
So, you might be wondering why DHD Films would be at SAP Sapphire. As a provider of creative solutions to partners across a multitude of industries, DHD is dedicated to staying on the leading edge of industry trends for both ourselves and our clients. Our creative consultancy depends on a deep understanding of our clients’ unique challenges and playing field, so we’re keen to jump on any chance to gain more insights whenever possible. With several clients across a variety of industries undergoing digital transformation, often involving cloud computing and issues related to business technologies, attending SAP Sapphire was a no-brainer for us.
The conference grounds offered what seemed like a limitless supply of innovative technology-based solutions for the business sector. From AI to machine learning, the framework for what it looks like to do business in the 21st century is changing rapidly. As we brainstormed on how we could help our clients to assimilate to and communicate their adaptation to these new models, we also had a chance to gather some key takeaways for our own creative services industry.

The Decline of Paper
Pamphlets? One-pagers? Not here. Replaced by both large- and small-scale digital displays and downloadable content, the old methods of communicating even the most basic of content has gone fully digital (suffice it to say, our Video Brochures found themselves quite at home in this landscape). Environmental preservation concerns aside, the diminishing presence of paper at many of the conference booths was buttressed by the increasing ability for attendees to simply scan a bar code, NFC, or similar to download content digitally. That content continues to look less like a traditional white paper, and more like a micro-site or web page with ample graphics and video content to help make the information more easily digestible – a hefty task with such complex topics as those on display at SAP.

It’s not unexpected to see digital signage and elaborate displays at shows like this. And yet, the level of immersion on display throughout the conference was unprecedented. Yes, there were VR goggles, AR goggles, and even interactive touch surfaces. However, what caught our eye was the pervasiveness of passive immersion throughout. From digital signage on almost semi-transparent glass hallways to two-story tall 360-degree video walls, no matter where you turned you were immersed in content. This strategy of moving content from a center stage platform to an all-consuming experience creates a new avenue for content marketing that leverages the group experience and sparks more conversations than the more closed-in demos. After all, it’s easier to talk to someone about a shared experience as opposed to trying to describe something that only you saw.
Solutions As a Service
The transition from single-serving product offerings to holistic ecosystems of service is upon us. What began with the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model has quickly gained traction across a myriad of industry sectors. By leveraging AI and cloud computing, service providers are closing the gap between their consumers’ needs and their offerings and, in doing so, are providing more and better service than ever before. As prevalent as this is in the technology space, it’s slowly making its way into every aspect of society. From a refrigerator that can predict its own malfunction and dispatch a service technician to your house automatically, to subscription-based software usage and media consumption, the tide of perpetually-on, open channels between consumers and providers is lifting all boats across both sides.

This last point was our greatest takeaway from our experience at SAP Sapphire. What this means for us is that the model of creative consultancy that we’ve cultivated with our clients over the years is becoming the norm and not the exception. Our efforts to better understand our technology clients by visiting SAP Sapphire underscore the type of all-inclusive, end-to-end strategic services that will become the bedrock of the next generation of creative services. In this new model, true partners will be able to provide the kind of deep knowledge of a client and industry that a mere vendor cannot. The more information and insights we can glean about our clients’ unique situations can only help us to better serve them. Plus, who doesn’t like to hang out with their favorite clients?