Marketing in the B2B Space can be a tricky concept. Choosing the right channel and finding the right audience is a process ripe with trial and error. But one foolproof marketing tool, that we have implemented here at DHD Films, is creating a company blog.

Increase SEO Through Blogging

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a science all of its own. But one way to ensure that more search engines prioritize your company’s website is by increasing content. Blogs are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to do this. Websites that include a blog have 434% more indexed pages. This will push your website further towards the top of results lists, ultimately providing a higher level of visibility.

Make Your Blog Stand Out

As helpful a tool as blogging is, we are not the first ones to think of it. There are many competing blogs within the same industry, and it is important to create a blog that stands out among the rest. Most importantly, format the blog in a comprehensive manner. Attention spans these days are short, by implementing clear headers and sub-headers followers are more likely to stay engaged with the blog post. Secondly, audiences like to visualize what they are reading about. 94% more views are granted to blogs with images in their articles, compared to those without. What is even better than an image? A video. Having interactive blog content that can grab the attention of a viewer is priceless in the quest to pique interest. Whether a brand identity video or promotional campaign, DHD Films can deliver you video content that fits all your corporate blog needs.

Converting Blogging to Buying

While it is not necessary to give away all of your coveted industry secrets, a good blog has to be insightful. The most successful blogs follow the bikini concept. This entails giving away 90% of subject matter for free and holding the last 10% private. The strategy piques interest and therefore entices the customer to pay for the rest. To further prove the bikini concept as part of a viable business model, one only needs to reference the fact that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has a circulation of one million. Plenty of potential viewers are exposed to the provocative cover on newsstands and billboards, but there will always be those willing to purchase the entire issue.

Get Started

To get started on your company’s blog take a look at these 50 potential topics to choose from. Or take DHD Films’ very own corporate blog for example.

With so many competing blogs within the same industry, having interactive blog content that can grab the attention of a viewer is priceless in the quest to pique interest.

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