Picture this: You have a massive annual event that draws members of your team from across the country and it’s the highlight of your event planning agenda. Everything from the venue to the catering to the travel is planned months in advance and everything is set to go when the unexpected strikes: COVID-19. For this Fortune 100 client, it seemed like suddenly their biggest event of the year was in free fall.

That’s where DHD Films stepped in. With the health and safety restrictions put in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, we knew that gatherings of any kind and travel were off the table, so everything related to the in-person meeting had to be cancelled. But the show must go on, and we found a way to bring the same high-quality speakers and content to our clients’ audience – virtually!

DHD Films worked with GDA Speakers, who represents the keynote speakers that were set to appear at the event, to ensure the presentations could be as impactful as they would have been in a live environment.

The speakers were brought into a highly sanitized sound stage with limited personnel to maintain maximum levels of health precautions. Spaced out over the course of a full day of filming, the speakers were able to deliver their impactful messages in a highly professional environment with zero overlap between each other.

The results were better than imagined. Our client’s broadcast was able to reach everyone who had originally planned to attend the in-person event, but they were also able to reach those members who, for one reason or another, would have missed the in-person gathering. All in all, attendance to the Virtual Event exceeded everyone’s expectations and delivered a set of highly polished videos that can now become a part of our client’s on-demand library.

If you’re looking for a way to transition your in-person event into the cloud, look no further. DHD Films has a full stack of solutions ready to help you take your show into the cloud. Visit our Virtual Events page and contact us to schedule a consultation. We’re here to help!
