If you’re wondering how to capture great visuals while not exposing yourself or anyone else to COVID-19, look nowhere else. You’re at the right place at the right time: introducing our latest Mobile Production Studio.

The Mobile Production Studio

Yes, you guessed it right. It is mobile, meaning we’ll deliver high quality content creation equipment to you whenever and wherever you need it. Our Mobile Production Studio is just that – all of the functionality and service of our physical production studio delivered to your doorstep.

The physical setup itself features a professional 4K cinema camera, a light, and a laptop mounted on a small cart. On the day of production, we’ll deliver the Mobile Production Studio to your location and roll the disinfected setup to the ideal position. Once everything is set and powered up, one of our producers will communicate with you via the included laptop to guide you though the filming process, conduct any interviews, and offer feedback just as would normally occur on-set. Upon completion, you can simply roll the cart back outside for pickup.

Additionally, your can also customize the Mobile Production Studio to match your needs. You name it & we’ll get it for you.

CAUTION: If you don’t have any experience with the equipment…. well, that’s never going to be a problem. Our crew members will assemble the sterilized equipment and deliver it to you at the designated location.

Hold on, we won’t leave you just like that! Moreover, our team will monitor the shot remotely, in its entirety to ensure that you get the best results possible.

You don’t have to sacrifice quality or service for peace of mind

The Mobile Production Studio offers the easiest way for you to capture the highest quality video from the safety of your preferred location. Deploy our Mobile Production Studio for your next production and experience the DHD difference.

DHD Films is ready to roll when you’re ready while getting you the best results & keeping you safe! Talk to one of our experts today to get more information!
