Experiences as a Benefit

In this job-seeker’s market, employers are feeling the need to up the ante regarding culture and benefits. A positive employee experience has never been more paramount. Increasingly, organizations are putting more emphasis on providing experiences as a benefit. No organization is better equipped to put your best foot forward at your next company gathering quite like Event Mechanics.  

The Sun Never Sets on a Badass [Event]

An Event Mechanics experience is second to none. This is evidenced by scrolling through their photo portfolio, revealing a host of ornately decorated events. Most importantly, Event Mechanics grasps the concept of maximizing the investment that an event requires.

The Kosmos Energy event video shows the grandeur of this Event Mechanics- planned undertaking.

While events themselves may only last a few hours, the planning that precedes them can span months. Prolong the investment of time and capital that events require by putting video to work for you. The grandeur of Event Mechanic’s Reiser 50s Inspired Event was touted via an event video, ultimately extending the shelf life of the event through a prompt online deployment.

Event Mechanics takes us back to the 1950’s with their masterfully planned event for Reiser.

Put Video To Work

An event is not finished just because the last guest has left the venue. Deploy video to maximize impressions and drum up engagement long after the event culminates. Concept your video with the help of DHD Films.
