“What can we do to support the selfless men and women on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic?”

This was the driving question we asked ourselves when we launched the Healthcare Heroes campaign earlier this year. We had high hopes for the campaign, but could never have predicted how great an impact it would have.

Strength in Unity

As soon as the campaign went live, the community reached out to find out how they could rally around the cause. Our friends at Energy Transfer have a history of investing in our city, and they saw the opportunity to step in and bring a game-changing financial commitment to our campaign. As part of Dallas Healthcare Heroes, Energy Transfer committed to donate $50 for every video of gratitude we received.

Mission Accomplished

A short six weeks after launch, we reached our goal. On Thursday, July 9, Energy Transfer presented a check for $100,000 to Parkland Foundation. The funds will contribute to the Public Health Preparedness Fund that was launched to support Parkland Hospital‘s response to the pandemic.

“We are extremely grateful to Energy Transfer and DHD Films for selecting Parkland Foundation as the beneficiary of their Dallas Healthcare Heroes campaign,” said Michael A. Horne, EdD, President and CEO, Parkland Foundation.

Making a Difference

We are incredibly proud to have helped secure the resources needed during this pandemic. The DHD team is committed to making a positive change in our city, and we’re honored to be able to help in any way. We know that together we can overcome this challenge. In the meantime, we’ll continue to take every precaution we can to keep our staff, our clients, and our community as safe as possible.
